Tag: #violence


It has never been more important to vote than now, but who is the lesser of the two evils? Here is how to vote. Just answer truthfully.

Would you trust the person you want to vote for to:

  1. Handle your retirement portfolio?
  2. Be your personal financial adviser?
  3. Be  you marriage counselor?
  4. Be your children’s therapist? psychology?
  5. Be your children sexuality teacher?
  6. Be your children’s best friend?
  7. Be your children honesty role model ?
  8. Be your children’s example of respect for themselves and others?
  9. Be your children’s example of honesty?
  10. Be your children’s example of hard work to make a living?
  11. Be your children school teacher?
  12. Teach your children how to solve problems with decency?
  13. Teach your children kindness, dependability and good words?
  14. Teach your children self confidence and character?
  15. Teach your children obedience and yet positive attitude?
  16. Teach your children not to cheat?
  17. Teach your children accountability, not poor excuses?
  18. Teach your children money without education is a curse?
  19. Teach your children importance of faith?
  20. Teach your children the fear of God?

Now, go and VOTE. You just got the right one for the future of your family and the country.