Month: October 2017

The Day Trump Became a Puppet

It seems like on the best day of Trump’s life, he got a call from Putin that fattened his ego like never before. My imagination goes like this:

Putin: You are the smarter guy I’ve even known. You can even become #POTUS if you wish.

Trump: I know that. I’m actually dreaming of it for a long time.

Putin: OK. I can help you with that. I know how to put you in the #WH. Guarantee.

Trump: Let’s talk.

… Putin portrayed the plan, the conditions and the key cards to play in the administration to work as smooth as possible. They got the complete organization chart for the campaign and for the administration as President of the United States of America. Something like this but with names on each box.

[[File:US Department of State organizational chart.svg|US Department of State organizational chart]]
But their plan was more complete. Their chart included a name from President to the cook and everything in between. It also included the replacement cards in order for the plan to work perfectly. The betrayal, the pitch, the slogan, actions and reactions, and of course… Money and sanctions!

The day the nation cried. The day Trump’s castle starting to crumbling down.

Was it worthy dragging the businessman reputation for the catastrophic administration? Was it right jeopardizing the integrity of the entire family ties for the sake of greed and an unsatisfied ego? Was it honorable and rewarding showing the world his most intimate weaknesses and incompetent point?

Charges, indictment, justice, consequences and shame.

Big mistake. Big regrets.

The Value of “Honesty”

Honesty is a moral positive value of human life. It’s intended to inspire, to bring confidence, to offer trust through a clear and transparent conscience. It is what make us authentic and pushes us to always place trust first before any self interest. Base on honesty is how we expect justice to work. Honesty doesn’t require of personal interpretation of the law. It takes a person to a higher level of conduct and moral principles. Honesty doesn’t trick or hide. It shines by itself just like the sun shines on the entire earth day in and day out. Honesty seek peace, love, help, kindness and respect for others. Honesty is what WE, the people of the USA, expect from our leaders.

El valor de “Honestidad”

La honestidad es un valor moral positivo de la vida humana. Su intención es inspirar, brindar confianza, ofrecer confianza a través de una conciencia clara y transparente. Es lo que nos hace auténticos y nos empuja a confiar siempre primero ante cualquier interés propio. La base de la honestidad es cómo esperamos que funcione la justicia. La honestidad no requiere una interpretación personal de la ley. Lleva a una persona a un nivel superior de conducta y principios morales. La honestidad no engaña ni se esconde. Brilla por sí solo al igual que el sol brilla en toda la tierra día tras día. La honestidad busca la paz, el amor, la ayuda, la pequeñez y el respeto por los demás.

Honestidad es lo que la gente de los Estados Unidos esperan de sus líderes.


All I Want To Say Is “Thank You Lord.”

Thank you  for the new day.

Thank you for life.

Thank you for your love and protection.

Thank you for all you do for us each day.

Thank you for providing for our needs.

Thank you for the strength to do the things that are challenging to me.

Thank you for my husband, my family and friends.

Thank you for the mountains, the sea, and the beautiful skies.

Thank you for your word.

Thank you for being in control of my life.

Thank you for saying “yes” and “no” to my prayers.

Thank you for shaping me in ways I don’t always understand right away.

Thank you Lord. Because of you I have hope and faith.

Thank you for understanding my deficiencies.

Thank you for the people you put in my way.

Thank you for grace.

Thank you for your mercy.

Thank you for your death at the cross and your resurrection.

Thank you for the forgiveness of my sins.

Thank you for the Holy Spirit that gives me wisdom and also convicts me.

Thank you for salvation and eternity.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Lord!

Mother Nature
Thank you for your marvelous art and nature.

Safety First. It’s Just Common Sense

We always want to make sure that “Safety is First” and that people are responsible to practice their professions. Authorities make sure people are safe. That’s why there are all kind of rules and regulations, test and licenses imposed:

  • License to drive
  • Enforced use of seat belts in cars, planes and toddlers chairs.
  • Degree to become a doctor to save lives.
  • Degree to become a lawyer to defend wrong doing or evil.
  • Degree to become a religious leader to help saving souls.
  • Even a degree + 1 year internship to get a license to deal with dead people.
    but no degree, license or test to buy a weapon to practice evil and kill the same people who the government, doctors, lawyers and religious people try to save.

We know that we have had children and young adults killing at school and even parents and siblings killing each other at home. Teenagers who got bored have gone out in a killing rampage.

Base on the premise that children are good people, parents are responsible defenders of the first amendment, and that the NRA wants more good people with guns to defend themselves from the evil ones.

Meditate on each question. Close your eyes. See your/a child. Place your hand in your heart. See the pain of a parent with a child in the grave.

  • What age should your/a child learn to kill to defend from evil?
  • What’s the age of accountability for a child to bring a gun to defend from the evil student:
    • Kindergarten?
    • Elementary school?
    • Middle school?
    • High school?
    • College?
  • Have you ever imagine yourself in a place where everyone, the good and the evil, are carrying a weapon?
  • Can you see your good children at school or college seated beside another good child or evil one carrying a weapon?
  • Can you see yourself, in your own home with your children and yourself having a heated argument knowing you all have a weapon?
  • Can you just imagine going to work and having everyone showing how strong they are with their gun on a desk?
  • What about the crazy drivers all carrying a weapon ready to fire if you look twice at them?

Safety First. It’s Just Common Sense.

Note: if this article comes to you at a time of grief due to violence, please receive my condolences.

Legal To Buy A Gun, Illegal To Use It.

After the massacre in Las Vegas, I have heard so many ridiculous excuses and explanations to procrastinate the conversation or ignore it all together. When a person is morally and economically compromised to serve someone, nothing can be done, nothing can be achieved. That’s how we got here to the 9th month of a presidency that have achieve nothing more than chaos at the White House and chaos in the world. I do not expect any control in the purchase of weapons. Why? beyond the second amendment, this is a dirty business with enough money to buy not only conscience but also souls.  From the stupid excuses the one that has shocked me most is the claim that the murderer bought his arsenal legally but made illegal use of them. The question is. For what the hell does someone need so many guns? Why is there no limit to the number of weapons someone can acquire? Where is common sense? People defend the use of weapons right and left as if they were decoration items. Yes … it is possible that the wall is the place where someone wants to display his weapon, but not cover a complete wall with them.

When the morals and integrity of people can be purchase in any fashion, there will always be sufficient reasons to protect that which a pure heart or mind can’t process.

The World We Are Leaving Behind To Our Children

We are leaving to our children a world full of hate, bitterness and intolerance.

A world where everything is solved by screaming, insulting, offending, humiliating and harassing.

A world where evil becomes good and the good is perverted.

A world where morality is over, ethics and professionalism are things of the past.

Mass shootings USA

A world where if someone is bored or does not like something or someone, simply eliminates it without disgust.

A world where violence is fed every day by our leaders in government and social media.

A world where everything we want, even if we do not need it, we must have instantly.

A world lacking of role models.

Youth Firearm Deaths by StateA world confused between freedom and debauchery.

A world where families members are strangers.

A world where technology is used to plan evil.

A world where friendship, love, laughter and care are reduced to an image or a forward message.

Vegas Shooting.JPG

PHOTO: People scramble for shelter at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival, Oct. 1, 2017, in Las Vegas. (David Becker/Getty Images)

A world that worships evil in what we wear and the lyrics we sing.

A world where parents don’t have peace when their children are at school.

Syrian Boy In this still taken from video provided by Aleppo Media Centre, a child sits in an ambulance apparently after being pulled out of a building hit by an airstrike. Photograph: Aleppo Media Centre

A world where children are no longer safe.

A world where every child must learn to kill to survive.

A world where selfishness counts more than the well-being and safety of people.

A world in need of God.

A world in need of prayers.

Lord have mercy.