She Is My Hero

“How my mother helped me to overcome bullies”

My mom was my hero all the way! Between the two of us there was a magic  connection. she was able to share her heart to me without fear. She was strong , just and wise.  She was love! My dad also had a great communication with me. I remember I used to read the Colombian newspaper  every day to talk to him.  Our daily conversation were endless. I guess I can say that there was not one day of their lives my parents didn’t hear from me one way or the other.

My book is not a scientific book, nor should it be considered as the only way to prevent bullies.  The book is simply the experience of someone who underwent mockery from childhood  due to the physical appearance. I tell how family passes from generation to generation traditions,  behaviors and how families can get involved to help a child who is a bully or the one that is being bullied. No degree is necessary to raise a healthy family.  My parents came from two very different upbringings. My father was an abandoned child. My mother on the other hand, lost her mom at age 10 and by age 13 she was orphan, but surrounded by the love of her brothers and sisters. Their starting was not the best,  but they managed to raise a family of 8, with values, character and honesty.

Life is what we make of it. We either take courage to go on with dignity and decency or we let the circumstances take control of us. We choose what legacy  to leave behind.

I started writing this book back in 2010  after my dad passed away. It actually was hard for me to do it, so I put it aside. This month is the first year since my mom passed away and I decided to publish the book.

The book is available in Amazon.

In Memory Of My Mom

She became everything:

A baby to ruffle.
An elderly to advise.
A little girl to play.
A friend and confidant.

My mother was a nurse, teacher, cook,
Administrator, psychologist, dancer,
Singer and even a painter;
All in one package.
Her embrace was comforting.

She was a refuge in sadness and difficulties.
She knew about all her children more than anyone else.
She remained awake waiting for the last child to arrive.
She wept, smiled, celebrated and shared with love.
Her hands were always ready to caress,
Serve, pray, and to work without fatigue …

My mom was wise, but yet, simple.
Her stories were pure and filled with memories, feelings and humility.
Her life was simple but fulfilled. She never knew vainness…
My mother was an intelligent, tender, loving, resigned, and understanding woman…
She was the Best Mother in the World

Mom, the calls ran out. Now you don’t have to worry about the phone bill any more. From now on they are free … They go directly to you at heaven.

Mother, my beloved mother.
You many times took the place of everyone,
but no one can ever take your place.
You now joined my beloved dad and Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Rest in Peace Mom and Dad. Amen.

Abrazo Sentido Con Mi Madre




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